since I blogged!!! lol I seriously think I have a problem. It's just no fun for me anymore I guess to write down what happened since I feel I have like better things to do, like watch
Gossip Girls, or
sleep, or
watch movies, or
These few days, I have been watching a drama on Youtube. Gah can't believe I'm back to doing that. The thing is, our national TV is soooo HEBAT! They have soooooo many advertisements in between, and when the episode has clearly NOT finished, they end it because of the lack of time. Gah! Makes me furious just thinking about it.
God's been great to me the whole month I was NOT blogging :) But He's been good to me my whole life. haha. But I think I am getting soooo bored of college. Don't you guys? I mean, it's great that we are leading new lives and all, but I really miss all my high school friends since that oh so fated day we met at
p.s.* den didn't go XD) I really really wish we can spend more time together and it makes me wanna cry knowing things can never really go back the way they were. Gah since I could drive to college, I've been skipping classes like mad. Who asked them to put ALL my classes till four?! I can't TAHAN that long you know!!
Thus, the need for shopping. Or time spending. Who wants to meet me somewhere, why don't you give me a call? I'd really like that.
BUT....a special day is coming up, and I can see my "close friends" soon!!!!
I really really love you guys,
you know that,
don't you?