Tuesday, December 2, 2008

THE night, and hopefully, many more to come

uh....am reading Sand Chronicles..it's nice! For girls. I mean. Anyway, our class had class BBQ party! IT WAS really cool, except halfway I got so tired I couldn't play with them anymore cause I didn't have my afternoon nap..lol

Really exhausting ya know?! Especially the barbeque-ing part..all the hot air kept blowing to my face!!! But overall, I would say it was a fun event. Even Miss Pearl came to the party!! And Ming Wei performed his dance, and Hon Leong shuffled. And Nicolas, well, he danced a one-of-a-kind dance that no one knew what it was...LOL, at least we had a good laugh.

I went home at 11.00p.m. Gosh, time does fly huh.....sad, im scared we won't see each other and have this kind of pure, uninterrupted fun anymore. But life's ahead of me, and well, these will forever be the special memories in my heart..

Picture time!!!

So this is Xuan with Chen Sern...lol they look like a couple huh..DON"T TELL HER I SAID THAT!!!!!

the three pretty ladies: Xuan, Ping, Xin

Jem's dog!! SO adorable...but he was sooo temperamental though...Nashey...Nashie?! LOL I dunno how to spell his name..

lol....look at Xin!!!! Looks so gelojoh!

Jayhan playing guitar! So cool le hor?!

ooh...our marshmallows!!! sooooooooo delicious!

our fish and beef and chicken...it looks sooo tiny in this pic lol..but delish!!!

finally!!! a pic with HUi inside!!! oh, and who's hand is that?! eeee....thats me, duh! just trying to mess their pic..lol

presenting: the lovely, the cute, the young......MISS PEARL!!!!

hey....that's the girls:Li HUi, sher li, Jiamin and.....ME!!! you know, the little one standing next to the tree....

birthday boy: Ming Wei..notice how I, the professional, took it right when he wanted to blow the remaining 3 candles...lol

gROUP PIC!!! try finding miss pearl! and well, even though this pic is dark thanks to Jim, I chose it cause it has a special guest in it...guess who?!?! The Pink Panther!

Our host: Jeremy aka class monitor and Oliver..

hey now, you MUST be wondering where I am right, since this is my camera, there should be at least ONE of me: solo! right?! well, here it is! lalalalala......

anyway, it was a good time. Oh, I also wanna post my b'day pic!!! since it's sweet seventeen and all....
me birthday cake....it's tiramisu, in case u dunno...sad, had to rush to eat it cause the next day had exam...

lalalla, me. seventeen. happy.

Lol, this took such a long time! im bushed. Will update more on my life soon, if anything happens, that is. bye bye~~~~~


Anonymous said...

wah...seems fun XD...

Unknown said...

HAHAHAHAHHA! i love xin yi's face XD wish i was there!! haha.